Thursday, 26 February 2009
We all hate the cold

Wednesday, 25 February 2009
My son, the artist
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Food disappointment

Friday, 20 February 2009
Sunny enough. Finally.

Thursday, 19 February 2009
Drink up, little monster

Sunday, 15 February 2009
Big people books
Jhumpa Lahiri, besides being gorgeous, is a marvelous and sensitive writer. My favorite of her books is The Namesake (I know, Jacinda Barrett, don't hold it against her). Probably because I like novels - I get sad when stories end. Unaccostumed Earth is beautiful and thoroughly enjoyable. Interpreter of Maladies is great too. Oh what the hell, I love Jhumpa.
Lahiri writes simple prose that conveys a detailed setting and personable characters. I suppose it is important that she writes about Indian immigrants. More importantly, she writes about loss - of cultural identity, of loved ones. There is no doom in her stories - even with the melancholy yearning for a homecoming that can never be because when one sets sail no home will ever again be able to claim us. Lahiri writes about people, with an understanding of their complexity, their love, and acceptance of the limitations that life imposes. I like these books. I wish I hadn't read them so I could read them new again.
Saturday, 14 February 2009
Stupid things we bought
There's a fine line between being prepared and being a sucker. First time parents eagerly fall into the sucker category.
We bought a little hamoc-y bath chair for the critter. It was cute as hell and, we thought, insanely important. The teeny baby would lay on it safelly for his bath.
When he was small enough to use it we ended up having to fill his tub higher with water to accomodate the chair. He felt safer in our arms without the chair in the way. A week later, he got too big for it anyway.
It's now in a bag in the closet, making Wynn mad it adds to the mounds of crap we have to pack. I want to hang on to it, though. We might need it for when we have another kid - the colors are so pretty and I'm sure it will be useful. (I am a pack rat with the memory of a goldfish).
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
Donna Martin procreates
Check out the cover for Tori's new book. Beautious.
There's something about this woman, I just cannot look away. It's like a train wreck- a needy, money-whoring train wreck.
But, the title. Is mommywood a pet name for daddy's hard on? Is it a laudatori tale of Dean's thing?
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
PanchuMom disclaimer

Monday, 9 February 2009
Sleepy time stories: co-sleeping
There are many benefits to co-sleeping. The main one: everyone's happy. The baby is warm, cozy and safe. You can nurse very easily during the night, which means you sleep better too.
We did the co-sleepign thing for a while. Then we tried having the critter sleep in his crib, in his room. Which worked out fine, except we missed him.
Meredith Small explains that "the usually recommended solitary sleep is exactly the opposite of what is the naturally evolved sleep situation for babies, and tus not what the baby really needs." This seems to intuitively make sense.
In The Aware Baby Aletha Solter share that her son slept on a mattress next to her until "he was three-and-a-half years old, [when] his grandmother came to live with us, and he was quite happy to move into a room with her." Which give way to the only hiccuo in this otherwise lovely sleeping arrangement: when do you encourage the kid to sleep on his own? And is it awkward when he brings a girl home? Does dating make the fmaily bed uncomfortable?
Friday, 6 February 2009
Mom, you're ruining it!
It's the demice of facebook. It's coming. Brought on by your mothers. How did they get on it? When did they decide it was ok for them to sign up? Why do our friends keep accepting their friend requests?!!?
The cool kids are going to move on to another friendster-facebook-Hi5-where in the world is-small world- what have you soon. And Fcbk will be left to thirtysomethings who just post pictures of their new babies. And you know, our moms.
Thursday, 5 February 2009
Open Letter to Jessica Alba

Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Non-stupid kid music