1. Lucullian Delights. This blog is by a lady living in Tuscany, in some remote little house surrounded by a forest... she is a very good and generous photographer. Her recipes are elaborate and warm. The only negative thing is that she has too many posts per page and it gets hard to scroll down at your selected pace.
2. Smitten Kitchen. The pictures are clean and crisp; there is usually one main photo followed by the photographed steps to the recipes, so it is very didactic and pretty as hell. They update pretty much daily.
3. White on Rice Couple. They are this cooky couple who love to travel, cook, eat and take photographs. They developed a whole little community around their blog. Good recipes with an Asian twist a lot of the times.
4. Delicious Days. It's been said that this is "a blog so pretty you could eat it". It is lovely. These crazy Germans just came out with a book that I can't wait to get my little hands on. The down side is that they do not update regularly at all.
5. Blue Kitchen. Simple, doable recipes. Great for ideas and inspiration.
6. Evil Chef Mom. It's a mom AND food blog! Imagine that... Total family effort, her kids help her with the technical side of it, etc. Cute, and heavy on the baking.
7. Chaos in the Kitchen. Created by a mom who wanted to get back to things SHE liked. Again, the mere thought! Her recipes are nicely photographed, good inspiration. She is sensitive to these here economic times, and comes up with good food on a budget. Lovely.
8. Gluten Free Girl. This is a beautiful blog and, obviously, a wonderful treat for those who need to eat gluten free. The gluten free girl's husband is a chef and they have a daughter whom they called "little bean" when she was regnant with her! The GF girl also has a book. Since I'm a happy glutenful woman I can't say that I've perused this blog too much, but her recipes seem to appeal to everyone, so even if there is just one celiac family member, the whole household could be happy with these recipes (which is sort of her point.)
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